A wise man once said in order to overcome insecurities and doubts you have to just do it. Whatever it is that you are scared to do just do it. You will never overcome any fears by sitting on the sideline, unfortunately that is not how it works.
We give so much to others and sometimes we do not get the same in return. Many people will adapt the role as a please pleaser with partners, family, friends, and bosses. It is time that we set boundaries for those people who can be difficult or just simply overstep their place in your life:
It is time we step out of the self imposed box we all have placed ourselves in and step out of our comfort zone. Comfort zones are really fears, doubts, and insecurities masked as comfort zones.
We schedule everything out in life but rarely ever schedule time to just think, pray, meditate or relax. We are not in a race against time, we are in a race against ourselves. When life gets extremely busy, and sometimes it feels like that is all the time,
For many of us our lives are scheduled around our work, spouses, children, household duties, family, etc. It seems like we are unable to find even 20 minutes for a little me time. But neglecting our health at the expense of a busy schedule is dangerous